Ayudha Puja is a local festival of Uttar Pradesh, celebrated in September / October. People worship Lord Rama on this day as the place is considered to be the birthplace of Lord Rama in Hindu mythology.

The festival is mainly dedicated to the worship of instruments which are used as the source of earning. Different regions in the state follow different traditions for celebrating this festival but the festival is celebrated across the state of UP.
Ayudha Puja
People clean their instruments and if possible decorate also. Auto drivers clean and decorate their autos while shopkeepers do the same for their shops and worship Goddess Laxmi.

There is also trend of worshiping weapons in some communities as well as Goddess Durga on the occasion to thank Goddess for living a peaceful life. Worship of weapons and tools depict the respect towards the tools which helps in earning. In modern time, people also worship their vehicles and cooking vessels on this day.

Some communities mark the festival by visiting temple of Ram and Sita and paying offerings to God, the puja depicts the celebration of victory of good over evil. The festival is celebrated with fun and gaiety all across the state of Uttar Pradesh.

आयुध पूजा की विधि और मेले के पीछे का रहस्य हिंदी में पढ़ें, क्लिक करें

Forthcoming Festivals