Celeberation in Schools
Come December, the time for vacation, festivity, and enjoyment fills the air. This is the month awaited by young and old alike with sheer enthusiasm and zeal. December 25, the day Jesus Christ made his modest revelation into this world to forgive and save us from our sins, is looked forward with dedication and devotion. Christmas celebrations abound almost whole of this month both at home and at social settings.

In South India, when mild fog makes its presence felt during this month, the Christmas celebrations are already in full vogue. In schools, it is a vibrant month filled with preparation of activities to be performed on the day of Christmas celebrations.  The schools begin the Christmas celebration with a reading from the Bible, the holy book, followed by recitation of other prayers and typical Christmas hymns. “Silent Night”, “Jingle Bells”, “Away in the Manger”, and “Rudolph, the red nose reindeer” are some common songs of the season.

Children take part in decorating the Christmas trees with help and guidance from their teachers. Enthusiasm fills in when the art and craft classes take up the Christmas theme of preparation of Christmas Cards, Snowman, Santa Claus, and the Nativity scenes. Some schools are adorned with neon lights, stars, and lantern-like models to spice up the festive vibes. Middle and Senior school children channelize their soaring creativity in installing bamboo tents that mimic the manger or crib. In addition, children perform dance, skits , and enactments related to the birth of Jesus Christ. Santa Claus is the popular and much awaited character of this festivity, which brings laughter to children and merriment to others.

In North India, as it is peak winter time, part of the month goes on winter vacation. However, this does not deprive the children of the Christmas celebrations. Just before the winter vacation starts, schools host a variety of programs to let the children celebrate the upcoming Christmas and the New Year. Decorated cakes and chocolates are distributed to children to highlight the principle of “Give and Forgive”, the signature theme of Christmas. Before bidding goodbye to one another for the winter vacation, children enjoy the Christmas celebrations as it is the last memorable event for the year. They also reflect upon the teachings of Jesus Christ to cud-chew His message of Love and Brotherhood to mankind as well as the Fatherhood of God.

Forthcoming Festivals