The God of wind or air is a main Indian deity commonly referred as Vayu Devta. He is considered fierce god like other cosmic deities. He is revered as one of the triad Gods in Hinduism from the Vedic age. He is featured as a destructive god who has an intemperate character and is often subject to violent desires which he never strives to repress.

He is also said to be the king of the Gandharvas, spirits of the mountains who dwell in the foothills of Mount Meru, a mythical summit often mentioned in Hindu religious texts. He is thought of as the god of rapid motion and therefore the father of the fleet-footed.

He is believed to be father of Bhima, brother of Arjuna, who was called the swift. The storm-gods, the Maruts, are considered his progeny, born from a daughter of Twastri the divine carpenter. Most popularly he is father of Lord Hanumana, the monkey God, was perfectly reflect6ed by his ability to fly.

As a legend goes, once Vayu was incited by the sage Narad to blow strongly enough to break off the top of Mount MERU, the holy mountain. Vayu, being malicious and brutal, tried hard to do this for whole year, blowing hard continuously at the Mount but it was nobly defended by Garuda who spread his great wings and took the impact of Vayu's force, thus defending the mythical peak.

After a full year had passed in this struggle, Garuda became tired and left his guard-post for a while. Narad, who was more mischievous than vindictive, saw the opportunity in this and immediately exhorted Vayu to double his efforts. This time Vayu was successful and Vayu blew the top of the mountain off, and Mount Meru lost its respectable top, which Vayu then chucked into the sea where it became the island of Lanka (present-day Sri Lanka).

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