Lakshmi is the consort of lord Vishnu. She is regarded as the goddess of wealth and fortune. The word ''Lakshmi'' has been derived from the Sanskrit word Lakshay, meaning "aim" or ''goal''. Thus the Goddess suggests all the worldly and spiritual success in life. Lakshmi provides material and spiritual wealth, luxury, fertility, fortune, purity, beauty, power, generosity and auspiciousness to its devotees.

Goddess Lakshmi is visualized as a beautiful golden complexioned lady draped in red saree bordered with golden lining, bejeweled with much jewelry sitting or standing on lotus. The auspicious red color symbolizes activity and the golden embroidery denotes prosperity. Each of the four hands of Lakshmi represents the four ends of human life, Dharma (righteousness), Kama (desires), Artha (wealth), and Moksha (liberation) from the cycle of birth and death. The four arms represent the four directions and symbolize omnipresence and supremacy of the deity. The obverse hands represent the activities in material world and the back hands indicate the pious activities.

The lotus bud in both the rear hands stands for beauty, purity, spirituality and fertility. The seat of Laxmi, fully blossomed lotus is a seat of divine truth, it signifies that as lotus don’t get wet even growing in water one should never get obsessed with the wealth and just enjoy it.

Continuous flow of gold coins from her hands, illustrates that she blesses people with wealth. The two elephants standing next to the Goddess symbolize the name and fame. Sometimes many pictures depict four elephants standing next to the goddess and spraying water from golden pots. The vessels are wisdom and purity and water being sprayed means gain of spiritual as well as material prosperity by virtue of continuous self-support governed by dharma, wisdom and purity.


Owl, the symbol of wisdom is considered her vehicle or vahan.

MahaLaxmi Mula Mantra:

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah


Another name given to Laxmi in Hindu mythology is ''Shri''. The word therefore relates with money or finance. Hindus whenever starts any new work, especially related with business write ''Shri'' on top of the documents. It also symbolizes respect, grace, affluence, abundance, authority and auspiciousness. That is why Indians usually speak “Shri” before addressing a god, or any revered individual.

Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali

People believe Lakshmi resides only where there is virtue, truth and compassion. She stays at a clean place. Hindus worship Lakshmi ceremonially and pray for well being and prosperity of the family on Diwali. Firmly it is believed that the goddess visits every home in the night and blesses the people with wealth.

108 Names of Lakshmi

Prakruti - Nature
Vikruti - Multi-Faceted Nature
Vidya - Wisdom
Sarvabhootahitaprada - Granter of Universal Niceties
Shraddha - Devoted
Vibhuti - Wealth
Surabhi - Celestial Being
Paramatmika - Omnipresence
Vachi - Nectar-Like Speech
Padmalaya - Residing On The Lotus
Padma – Lotus
Shuchi - Embodiment of Purity
Swaha - Shape of Swahadevi(Auspicious)
Swadha - Shape of Swadhadevi(Inauspicious)
Sudha - Nectar
Dhanya - Personification of Gratitude
Hiranmayi - Golden Appearance
Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth
NityaPushta - Gaining strength Day By Day
Vibha - Radiant
Aditi - Radiant Like The Sun
Deetya - Answer Of Prayers
Deepta - Flame-Like
Vasudha - Earth
Vasudharini - Bearing the the Burden of Earth
Kamala - Lotus
Kantha - Consort of Vishnu
Kamakshi - One with Attractive Eyes
Kamalasambhava - Emanating from the Lotus
Anugrahaprada - Granter of Good Wishes
Buddhi - Wisdom
Anagha - Sinless
Navadurga - All Nine Forms of Durga
Harivallabhi - Consort of Lord Hari
Ashoka - Dispeller of Sorrows
Amrutha - Nectar
Deepa - Radiant
Lakashokavinashini - Remover of Universal Agonies
Dharmanilaya - Establisher of Eternal Law
Karuna - Compassionate
Lokamatri - Mother of the Universe
Padmapriya - Lover of Lotus
Padmahasta - Having Lotus-Like Hands
Padmakshya - Lotus-eyed
Padmasundari - Beautiful Like the Lotus
Padmodbhava - One Who Emerged Out of the Lotus
Padmamukhi - Lotus-Faced
Padmanabhapriya - Beloved of Padmanabha
Ramaa - Pleaser of the Lord
Padmamaladhara - Wearer of Lotus Garland
Devi - Goddess
Padmini - Lotus
Padmagandhini - Having the Fragrance of Lotus
Punyagandha - Having Divine Perfume
Suprasanna - Ever Cheerful and Beaming
Prasadabhimukhi - Emerging to Grant Boons
Prabha - Radiant Like the Sun
Chandravadana - Moon-Faced
Chanda - Cool Like the moon
Chandrasahodari - Sister of the Moon
Chaturbhuja - with four arms
Chandrarupa - Moon-Faced
Indira - Radiant like the Sun
Indusheetala - Cool like the Moon
Ahladajanani - Source of Happiness
Pushti - Healthy
Shiva - Auspicious
Shivakari - Source of Auspicious Things
Satya - All Truth
Vimala - Pure
Vishwajanani - Mother of the Universe
Pushti - Possessor of All Wealth
Daridriyanashini - Remover of Poverty
Preeta Pushkarini - One with Pleasing Eyes
Shanta - Full with peace or Calm
Shuklamalambara - Wearer of White Garland and Attire
Bhaskari - Radiant like the Sun
Bilvanilaya - Resider Under Bilva Tree
Vararoha - Ready to Offer Boons
Yashaswini - Reputed
Vasundhara - Daughter of the Earth
Udaranga - Endowed with a Beautiful Body
Harini - Deer-Like
Hemamalini - Having Golden Garlands
Dhanadhanyaki - Bestower of Wealth and Foodgrains
Siddhi - Ever Ready to Protect
Straina Soumya - Showering Goodness on Women
Shubhaprada - Granter of Auspicious Things
Nrupaveshvagathananda - Loves to Live in Palaces
Varalakshmi - Granter of Bounty
Vasuprada - Bestower of Wealth
Shubha - Auspicious
Hiranyapraka - Amidst Gold
Samudratanaya - Beloved Daughter of the Ocean of Milk
Jaya - Goddess of Victory
Mangala - Most Auspicious
Devi - The Deity
Vishnuvakshah - Residing in Vishnu's Chect
Vishnupatni - Consort of Vishnu
Prasannakshi - Lively-Eyed
Narayana Samashrita - Sought Refuge in Narayana
Daridriya Dhwamsini - Destroyer of Poverty
Devi - Goddess
Sarvapadravanivarini - Dispeller of all Distresses
Mahakali - A Form of Kali
Brahma-Vishnu-Shivatmika - Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva
Trikala-dnyanasampanna - Aware of all 3 -the Past, Present and Future
Bhuvaneshwarya - Supreme Deity

Lakshmi Chalisa with Meaning

The forty verse prayer dedicated to Maha Lakshmi is called ‘Shri Lakshmi Chalisa.’ Sundardasa is believed to compose it. The acts and deeds of Goddess Lakshmi composed in these verses aid devotee to ponder on honest and righteous qualities.

II Doha II
Maatu Lakshmi Kari Kripaa, Karahu Hriday Mein Vaas I
Manokaamanaa Siddh Kari, Puravahu Jan kii Aas I I

II Chauratha II
Sindhusutaa Main Sumiron Tohii, Jnaan Buddhi Vidyaa Dehu Mohii I
Tum Samaan Nahiin Kou Upakaarii, Sab Vidhi Prabhu Aas Hamaarii II

II Chaupaai II
Jai Jai Jagat Janani Jagadambaa, Sab Kii Tumahii Ho Avalambaa
Tumahii Ho Ghat Ghat Kii Vaasii, Bintii Yahii Hamarii Khaasii

Jagajananii Jay Sindhu Kumaarii, Diinan Kii Tum Ho Hitakaarii
Binavon Nitya Tumhe Mahaaraanii, Krapa Karo Jag Janani Bhavaanii

Kehi Vidhi Astuti Karon Tihaarii, Sudhi Lijain Aparaadh Bisaarin
Krapaadrasti Chitabahu Mam Orii, Jagat Janani Binatii Sunu Morii

Jnaan Buddhi Jay Sukh Kii Daataa, Sankat Harahu Hamaare Maataa
Kshiir Sindhu Jab Vishnumathaayo, Chaudah Ratn Sindhu Upajaayo

Tin Ratnan Manh Tum Sukhraasii, Sevaa Kiinh Banin Prabhudasi
Jab Jab Janam Jahaan Prabhu Liinhaa, Ruup Badal Tahan Sevaa Kiinhaa

Svayam Vishnu Jab Nar Tanu Dhaaraa, Liinheu Avadhapurii Avataaraa
Tab Tum Prakati Janakapur Manhin, Sevaa Kiinh Hraday Pulakaahii

Apanaavaa Tohi Antarayaamii, Vishvavidit Tribhuvan Ke Svaamii
Tum Samaprabal Shakti Nahi Aanii, Kahan Lagi Mahimaa Kahaun Bakhaanii

Man Kram Bachan Karai Sevakaaii, Manuvaanchhint Phal Sahajay Paaii
Taji Chhal Kapat Aur Chaturaai, Puujahi Vividh Bhaanti Man Lai

Aur Haal Main Kahahun Bujhaaii, Jo Yah Paath Karai Man Laaii
Taakahan Kouu Kast Na Hoii, Manavaanchhit Phal Paavay Soii

Traahimahi Jay Duhkh Nivaarini, Vividh Tap Bhav Bandhan HaariniZ
Jo Yah Parhen Aur Parhaavay, Dhyan Lagavay Sunay Sunavay

Taakon Kou Na Rog Sataavay, Putr Aadi Dhan Sampati Paavay
Putrahiin Dhan Sampati Hiinaa, Andh Vadhir Korhii Ati Diinaa

Vipr Bulaaii Ken Paath Karaavay, Shaankaa Man Mahan Tanik Na Laavay
Path Karaavay Din Chalisa, Taapar Krapaa Karahin Jagadiishaa

Sukh Sampatti Bahut Sii Paavay, Kamii Nanhin Kaahuu Kii Aavay
Baarah Maash Karen Jo Puujaa, Ta Sam Dhani Aur Nahin Duujaa

Pratidin Paath Karehi Man Manhii, Taasam Jagat Katahun Kou Naahiin
Bahuvidhi Kaa Men Karahun Baraaii, Lehu Pariikshaa Dhyaan Lagaaii

Kari Vishvaas Karay Brat Nemaa, Hoi Siddh Upajay Ati Prema
Jay Jay Jay Lakshmi Mahaaraanii, Sab Mahan Vyaapak Tum Gunkhaanii

Tumhro Tej Praval Jag Maannhin, Tum Sam Kou Dayaalu Kahun Naahiin
Mo Anaath Kii Sudhi Ab Lijay, Sannkat Kaati Bhakti Bar Dijay

Bhuulchuuk Karu Chhimaa Hamaarii, Darasan Dijay Dasaa Nihaarii
Binu Darasan Byaakul Ati Bhaarii, Tumhinn Akshat Paavat Dukh Bhaarii

Nahinn Mohi Jnaan Buddhi Hai Tan Mann, Sab Jaanat Tum Apane Man Men
Roop Chaturbhuj Kari Nij Dhaaran, Kasht Mor Ab Karahu Nivaaran

Kehi Prakaar Mein Karahun Baraaii, Jnaan Buddhi Mohin Nahin Adhikaaii
Uthi Kainn Praatakaray Asanaanaa, Jo Kachu Banay Karay So Daanaa

Ashtami Ko Brat Karay Ju Praanii, Harashi Hraday Puujahi Mahaaraanii
Solah Din Puujaa Vidhi Karahii, Aashvin Krishn Jo Ashtamii Parahii

Takar Sab Chhuutain Dukh Daavaa, So Jan Sukh Sampati Niet Paavaa

II Doha II
Traahi Traahi Dukh Haarini, Harahu Begi Sab Traas I
Jayati Jayati Jai Lakshmi, Karahu Shatru Ko Naas II
Raamadaas Dhari Dhyaan Nit, Vinay Karat Kar Jor I
Maatu Lakshmiidas Pay, Karahu Krapaa Kii Kor II
Lakshmi Mantra
Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune, purity, courage, fertility, wealth, luxury, beauty, power, generosity and auspiciousness. Maha Lakshmi is claimed to fulfill the promises of material, wealth and contentment. Maha Lakshmi Mantra are an important
part of prayers offered to the lord. The Mantra / Mantras of Goddess Lakshmi are as follows:

"Sarvagyay Sarvavarday Sarvadushtbhaydkree
Sarvadukhaharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O Maa Lakshmi, you know everything, you grant favors to all, you are a terror to the evil and your art removes the misery of all. O propitious goddess, I surrender to you.

"Siddhi Buddhipraday Devi Bhuktimuktipradayeenee
Mantramurtay Sada Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O divine goddess, you are the provider of success and intelligence. You are the benefactor of both worldly pleasure and freedom. The magical sound symbols-the Mantras, verily comprise their form with your grace. Propitious Mother, I surrender to you always.

"Aadhantarhitay Devi Aadhshakti Maheshwari
Yogajay Yogasambhutay Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O Ultimate Mother, your art is without beginning and end. Your art is the primal power. Your art comes out of Yogic practice and your art is evident through Yoga. Promising Mother, I surrender to you.

"Sthulsukshmay Maharodray Mahashakti Mahodray
Mahapaapharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: Goddess Lakshmi, your art in gross and subtle, is the most awful and powerful. Mother, you contain all things and you remove even the greatest sins. Auspicious Mother, I surrender to you.

"Padnaasanstithay Devi Parbrahmaswaroopeenee
Parmashree Jaganmatra Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: Maa Lakshmi, you reside in the hearts of devotees and prove the art of the Supreme Brahman. You are mother of the universe with your supreme art. O Great Mother, I bow to you.

इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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