Lord Ganesha, the divine deity with an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a giant pot-bellied body of a human is considered most pious of all. Ganesha is worshipped by both Shaivites and Vaishnavites. Even Buddhists and Jains have faith for Ganpati. Lord Ganesha is believed to be son of Shiva and Parvati.

Commonly is also referred by different names as Ganpati, Gajananaa, Viganahartaa, Vinayaka and Ekdanta. Lord Ganesha has always been the devotee’s mnemonics for success and wealth as well largely considered the destroyer of evils and obstacles, the Viganahartaa.

All auspicious works in Hinduism begin with the prayer of Shri Ganesha. Devotees believe that this patron deity’s blessings will help in successful completion of that particular work whether it’s wedding or inaugural of new house or start of any business, presence of Ganpati is considered highly favorable.

In fact, Ganesha is one of the five prime Hindu deities (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga being the other four) whose idolatry is glorified as the panchayatana puja.

Lord Ganesha is worshiped all across the country as well different countries with full dedication and devotion so is the birthday of this elephant God. Every year the occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated with great fervor all over.


There is a popular legend behind the existence of elephant headed Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha was assigned duty to guard while his mother used to bath. Once while guarding, unknowingly prevented Shiva to enter and defend his mother's bath. Lord Shiva burst with the anger on this foolish act by Ganesha and beheaded Lord Ganesha.

After knowing all, Parvati strongly persuaded lord Shiva to revive her son back. Being conveyed by his beloved, Shiva promised to have the head of the first creature that happened along and transplant the same for Ganesha.

Finally, the wisest animals of all, an elephant, appeared and became the involuntary donor for Ganesha and this was the first successful head transplant in history. This concluded into the elephant headed and human bodied deity, Lord Ganesha.

Divine Symbolism of Lord Ganesha

Significance of the Ganesha’s whole being:

Ganesha's head  symbolizes the Atman or the soul.
Human body  signifies Maya or the earthly existence of human beings.
Large Forehead  denotes great intelligence.
Long Trunk   represents high efficiency and adaptability.
Large Ears imply listening devotees.
One Tusk retains good and throws away bad.
Large Stomach represents his great capacity to digest all good and bad in life.
Short Legs symbolize tolerance power.
Small Eyes  imply having high concentration power.
Mouse as vehicle  represents a deity of control over desires.
Snake around waist represents energy in all forms.
Four Arms  which hold following:
  “Ankush” symbol for control over the mind
 “Ladu” for happiness
 “Pash”  axe to cut off all bonds of    attachments
“Ashirvad Mudra”  blessings for the well being of humanity

Ganesha Mool Mantra

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Ganesha Mantra

Vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa |
Nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa ||

Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk (vakra-tunda) and massive body (maha-kaayaa) shines like a million suns (surya-koti) and showers his blessings on everyone (sama-prabhaa). Oh my lord of lords Ganesha (kurume-deva), kindly remove all obstacles (nir-vighnam), always (sarva-) and forever (sarvadaa-) from all my activities and endeavors (sarva-kaaryeshu).

Ganesha Aarti

Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh deva
Mata jaki Parvati, Pita Mahadeva.
Ek dant dayavant, char bhuja dhari
Mathe sindur sohai, muse ki savari, Jai
Andhan ko ankh det, kodhin ko kaya
Banjhan ko putra det, nirdhan ko maya, Jai
Pan chadhe, phul chadhe, aur chadhe meva
Ladduan ka bhog lage, saht kare seva, ,Jai
Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh deva,
Mata jaki Parvata, Pita Mahadeva

108 Names of Lord Ganesha

 1.  Akhurath    One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
 2.  Alampata  Ever Eternal Lord
 3.  Amit  Incomparable Lord
 4.  Anantachidrupamayam  Infinite and Consciousness Personified
 5.  Avaneesh  Lord of the whole World
 6.  Avighna  Remover of Obstacles
 7.  Balaganapati  Beloved and Lovable Child
 8.  Bhalchandra  Moon-Crested Lord
 9.  Bheema  Huge and Gigantic
 10.  Bhupati   Lord of the Gods
 11.  Bhuvanpati   God of the Gods
 12.  Buddhinath  God of Wisdom
 13.  Buddhipriya  Knowledge Bestower
 14.  Buddhividhata  God of Knowledge
 15.  Chaturbhuj  One who has Four Arms
 16.  Devadeva  Lord of All Lords
 17.  Devantakanashakarin  Destroyer of Evils and Asuras
 18.  Devavrata  One who accepts all Penances
 19.  Devendrashika  Protector of All Gods
 20.  Dharmik  One who gives Charity
 21.  Dhoomravarna  Smoke-Hued Lord
 22.  Durja Invincible Lord
 23.  Dvaimatura One who has two Mothers
 24.  Ekaakshara He of the Single Syllable
 25.  Ekadanta  Single-Tusked Lord
 26.  Ekadrishta Single-Tusked Lord
 27.  Eshanputra  Lord Shiva's Son
 28.  Gadadhara One who has The Mace as His Weapon
 29.  Gajakarna One who has Eyes like an Elephant
 30.  Gajanana Elephant-Faced Lord
 31.  Gajananeti Elephant-Faced Lord
 32.  Gajavakra Trunk of The Elephant 
 33.  Gajavaktra One who has Mouth like an Elephant 
 34.  Ganadhakshya Lord of All Ganas
 35.  Ganadhyakshina Leader of All The Celestial Bodies 
 36.  Ganapati Lord of All Ganas
 37.  Gaurisuta The Son of Gauri (Parvati)
 38.  Gunina One who is The Master of All Virtues 
 39.  Haridra One who is Golden Colored 
 40.  Heramba Mother's Beloved Son
 41.  Kapila Yellowish-Brown Colored 
 42.  Kaveesha Master of Poets 
 43.  Kriti Lord of Music
 44.  Kripalu Merciful Lord
 45.  Krishapingaksha Yellowish-Brown Eyed 
 46.  Kshamakaram Place of Forgiveness 
 47.  Kshipra One who is easy to Appease
 48.  Lambakarna Large-Eared Lord
 49.  Lambodara The Huge Bellied Lord
 50.  Mahabala Enormously Strong Lord
 51.  Mahaganapati Omnipotent and Supreme Lord
 52.  Maheshwaram Lord of The Universe
 53.  Mangalamurti  All Auspicious Lord 
 54.  Manomay Winner of Hearts
 55.  Mrityuanjaya Conqueror of Death
 56.  Mundakarama Abode of Happiness 
 57.  Muktidaya Bestower of Eternal Bliss
 58.  Musikvahana One who has Mouse as Charioteer 
 59.  Nadapratithishta One who Appreciates and Loves Music 
 60.  Namasthetu Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins 
 61.  Nandana Lord Shiva's Son 
 62.  Nideeshwaram Giver of Wealth and Treasures 
 63.  Omkara One who has the Form of OM 
 64.  Pitambara One who has Yellow-Colored Body 
 65.  Pramoda Lord of All Abodes 
 66.  Prathameshwara First Among All 
 67.  Purush The Omnipotent Personality 
 68.  Rakta One who has Red-Colored Body 
 69.  Rudrapriya Beloved of Lord Shiva 
 70.  Sarvadevatman Acceptor of All Celestial offerings 
 71.  Sarvasiddhanta Bestower of Skills and Wisdom 
 72.  Sarvatman Protector of The Universe 
 73.  Hambhavi The Son of Parvati
 74.  Shashivarnam One who has a Moon like Complexion 
 75.  Shoorpakarna Large-Eared Lord 
 76.  Shuban All Auspicious Lord
 77.  Shubhagunakanan One who is The Master of All Virtues
 78.  Shweta One who is as Pure as the White Color 
 79.  Siddhidhata Bestower of Success and Accomplishments
 80.  Siddhipriya Bestower of Wishes and Boons 
 81.  Siddhivinayaka Bestower of Success 
 82.  Skandapurvaja Elder Brother of Skanda (Lord Kartikeya) 
 83.  Sumukha Auspicious Face
 84.  Sureshwaram Lord of All Lords 
 85.  Swaroop Lover of Beauty
 86.  Tarun Ageless 
 87.  Uddanda Nemesis of Evils and Vices
 88.  Umaputra The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati) 
 89.  Vakratunda Curved Trunk Lord 
 90.  Varaganapati Bestower of Boons 
 91.  Varaprada Granter of Wishes and Boons 
 92.  Varadavinayaka Bestower of Success 
 93.  Veeraganapati Heroic Lord
 94.  Vidyavaridhi God of Wisdom 
 95.  Vighnahara Remover of Obstacles 
 96.  Vignaharta Demolisher of Obstacles 
 97.  Vighnaraja Lord of All Hindrances
 98.  Vighnarajendra Lord of All Obstacles
 99.  Vighnavinashanaya Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments
 100.  Vigneshwara Lord of All Obstacles 
 101.  Vikat Huge and Gigantic 
 102.  Vinayaka Lord of All 
 103.  Vishwamukha Master of The Universe
 104.  Vishwaraja  King of the World 
 105.  Yagnakaya  Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings
 106.  Yashaskaram Bestower of Fame and Fortune 
 107.   Yashvasin Beloved and Ever Popular Lord 
 108.  Yogadhipa The Lord of Meditation

Ganesha Stuti

Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results.

Om Vigneshvaraye Namaha - May all tasks be completed without any unwarranted delays or obstacles
Om Sumukhaye Namaha – May it be full of beauty and grace, or visual appeal
Om Ekdantaye Namaha – May the task and its purpose be our ‘one point programme,’ till it is accomplished
Om Rajanathaye Namaha – May we become large hearted and attain the powers to view the subtleties involved
Om Rajkaranaye Namaha – Bless us with the powers of self-actualization
Om Lambodaraye Namaha - May we be able to have the power to keep to ourselves and be focussed, till the task is accomplished
Om Dhumraketuvaye Namaha – May we attain fame by having clarity of thought
Om Bhalchandraye Namaha – May we have high thoughts and ideals, maintain our humility, yet hold our heads high with self respect
Om Vikataye Namaha - Bless us with potent energies to eradicate negativity and win over our enemies
Om Vinakaye Namaha – Bless us with the qualities of leadership
Om Gananakshaye Namaha – May we lead the leaders

Shri Ganesh Chalisa

Jai Jai Jai Ganapati Ganaraaju,Mangal Bharana Karana shubha kaajuu l
Jai Gajbadan Sadan Sukhdaata , Vishva Vinaayaka Buddhi Vidhaataa Vakra ll

Tunda Shuchi Shunda Suhaavana,Tilaka Tripunda bhaal Man Bhaavan l
Raajata Mani Muktana ura maala, Swarna Mukuta Shira Nayana Vishaalaa ll

Pustak Paani Kuthaar Trishuulam , Modaka Bhoga Sugandhit Phuulam l
Sundara Piitaambar Tana Saajit, Charana Paadukaa Muni Man Raajit ll

Dhani Shiva Suvan Shadaanana Bhraataa, Gaurii Lalan Vishva-Vikhyaata l
Riddhi Siddhi Tav Chanvar Sudhaare, Mooshaka Vaahan Sohat Dvaare ll

Kahaun Janma Shubh Kathaa Tumhari,Ati Shuchi Paavan Mangalkaarii l
Ek Samay Giriraaj Kumaarii, Putra Hetu Tapa Kiinhaa Bhaarii ll

Bhayo Yagya Jaba Poorana Anupaa,Taba Pahunchyo Tuma Dhari Dvija Rupaa l
Atithi Jaani Kay Gaurii Sukhaarii, Bahu Vidhi Sevaa Karii Tumhaarii ll

Ati Prasanna Hvai Tum Vara Diinhaa, Maatu Putra Hit Jo Tap Kiinhaa l
Milhii Putra Tuhi, Buddhi Vishaala , Binaa Garbha Dhaarana Yahi Kaalaa ll

Gananaayaka Guna Gyaan Nidhaanaa, Puujita Pratham Roop Bhagavaanaa l
Asa Kehi Antardhyaana Roop Hvai, Palanaa Par Baalak Svaroop Hvai ll

BaniShishuRudanJabahiTum Thaanaa,Lakhi Mukh Sukh Nahin Gauri Samaanaa l
Sakal Magan Sukha Mangal Gaavahin, Nabha Te Suran Suman Varshaavahin ll

Shambhu Umaa Bahudaan Lutaavahin,Sura Munijana Suta Dekhan Aavahin
Lakhi Ati Aanand Mangal Saajaa, Dekhan Bhii Aaye Shani Raajaa ll

Nija Avaguna Gani Shani Man Maahiin, Baalak Dekhan Chaahat Naahiin l
Girijaa Kachhu Man Bheda Badhaayo, Utsava Mora Na Shani Tuhi Bhaayo ll

Kahana Lage Shani Man Sakuchaai, Kaa Karihau Shishu Mohi Dikhayii l
Nahin Vishvaasa Umaa Ura Bhayauu, Shani Son Baalak Dekhan Kahyau ll

Padatahin Shani Drigakona Prakaashaa, Baalak Sira Udi Gayo Aakaashaa l
Girajaa Girii Vikala Hvai Dharanii, So Dukha Dashaa Gayo Nahin Varanii ll

Haahaakaara Machyo Kailaashaa, Shani Kiinhon Lakhi Suta Ko Naashaa l
Turat Garuda Chadhi Vishnu Sidhaaye, Kaati Chakra So GajaShira Laaye ll

Baalak Ke Dhada Uupar Dhaarayo, Praana Mantra Padhi Shankar Daarayo l
Naama'Ganesha'ShambhuTabaKiinhe,Pratham Poojya Buddhi Nidhi Vara Diinhe ll

Buddhi Pariikshaa Jab Shiva Kiinhaa , Prithvii Kar Pradakshinaa Liinhaa l
Chale Shadaanana Bharami Bhulaai, Rache Baithii Tum Buddhi Upaai ll

Charana Maatu-Pitu Ke Dhara Liinhen, Tinake Saat Pradakshina Kiinhen l
Dhani Ganesha Kahi Shiva Hiye Harashyo,Nabha Te Suran Suman Bahu Barse ll

Tumharii Mahima Buddhi Badaai, Shesha Sahasa Mukha Sake Na Gaai l
Main Mati Heen Maliina Dukhaarii, Karahun Kaun Vidhi Vinaya Tumhaarii ll

Bhajata 'Raamsundara' Prabhudaasaa, Jaga Prayaaga Kakraa Durvaasaa. l
Ab Prabhu Dayaa Deena Par Keejai, Apnii Bhakti Shakti Kuchha Deejai ll
ll Dohaa ll
Shrii Ganesha Yeh Chaalisaa, Paatha Karre Dhara Dhyaan l
Nita Nav Mangala Graha Base, Lahe Jagat Sanmaana ll
Sambandh Apna Sahasra Dash, Rishi panchamii dinesha l
Poorana Chaalisaa Bhayo, Mangala Moorti Ganesha ll

इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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