Eid ul-Fitr Customs and Rituals
Ramzan or Ramadan is a religious practice by Muslims observed in the nine month of Islamic calendar. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims restrict themselves from Eating, Drinking, Smoking and any other form of pleasures. This month is not only religiously significant to Muslims but is a life learning lesson to them as well.

It includes the practice of self-restriction which teaches patience and tolerance to human beings and is very crucial to live a happy life. On the last day of Ramadan, people break their month long fast and celebrate with great enthusiasm and show. Before breaking of the fast people observe moon and greet each other with “Eid mubarak” to start the festivities of Eid.

Eid ul Fitr PrayersRituals and Customs of Eid ul -Fitr

The rituals and customs that are followed during this festival are:

After witnessing the new moon on the last day of Ramadan, the next day- Eid, starts with taking bath, wearing fresh new clothes and having breakfast usually of date fruits. Then devotees move to nearest mosques to offer prayers to Allah.

  1. Takbir: Before starting of mass prayers, Takbir is recited.

(Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar)

      (laa ilaaha illAllahah)

      (Allahahu akbar, Allahahu akbar)

      (wa li-illaahil-hamd)

"God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest,
There is no deity but God
God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest
and to God goes all praise".

2. Namaz
Eid ul-Fitr Namaaz
Takbir is then followed by the main Eid Prayer,“Namaz” in Islamic term.

3. Zakat al-Fitr
Zakat al-Fitr
A religious act of charity by offering poor people with Alms is carried out. This should contain about 2 Kg of basic food material including wheat, barley, dates, raisins, etc, or its equivalent in cash. This is not distributed individually, but collected in the mosque.

4. Greetings
Eid ul-Fitr Greetings and Hugs
Common greetings during this day is Arabic phrase of  "Eid Mubarak”, while different countries use different greetings.

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