The holy occasion is marked by ceremonial bathing in the sacred rivers or streams. In each and every house of Jammu and Kashmir Havan or Yagnas are performed. This indicates the driving away of the evil spirits and welcoming of the good ones, so that each household remains free from affliction throughout the year.

In the rural parts of Jammu the young boys wander in the streets and ask for presents from the parents of a newborn baby or a newly wedded couple. A special form of dance presentation known as the Chajja, is also performed by the young boys on this festival. Their look comprises of a Chajja which is decorated with colored papers and flowers. The whole atmosphere comes alive when they dance in tune to the pulsating drumbeats for this spectacular event.
Such festival brings in happiness and unity, ensuring tranquility in the state. In India harmony is a pre-requisite for a better existence, hence such pageantry is always welcomed with gusto.