Besides many temple fairs Kerala also celebrates its annual agriculture fair, known as the Omalloor Vayal Vanibhom in Omalloor. Omalloor gram panchayat organize a 25 days fair at the panchayat grounds in the Meenam month of Malyalam calendar.

The fair was a center of attraction for the agricultural community in Central and South Kerala in the bygone days. People not only from the neighbouring districts and villages on the outskirts of Tamil Nadu used to visit Omalloor to buy farm products and cattle through barter system prevailing that time.

Unlike other fairs and festivals of Kerala here too the fair hold a procession of beautifully ornamented elephants and flock of people busy in dancing, singing and playing musical instruments. Agriculture department organizes seminar to inform farmers about new techniques employed or being employed in agriculture. They also hold quiz on issues related with agriculture. Special prizes are announced for the best cattle, best dog and the best agriculture produce.

The fair continues for three days.

But the fair lost its luster over the years. The grama panchayat along with the Agriculture Department is working towards re-glorifying the fair by organising exhibition-cum-sale of farm produce, cattle show and cultural programmes.

How to Reach

Omallur is just 05 Kms from Pathanamthitta.

By plane

Direct flights fly to and fro are operated from Kochi International Airport which is142 km or International airports at Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) which is 113 km and Kozhikode (Calicut) to the Middle East, Singapore, Maldives, Europe and Sri Lanka.

Forthcoming Festivals