Pushkar fair has since ages been a constant source of amusement and attraction for tourists and visitors from all over the world. The fair and the city of Pushkar both offer infinite sources of significance to many religious communities.

For Hindus, Pushkar is one of the five Dhams or pilgrims which have always been held high in esteem.


Mythologically it is believed that battle Lord Brahma when fought a battle with demon Vajra Nabh with a lotus flower, the leaves of the flower fell down at three places on earth. All three places are around Pushkar and it is also believed that these three places have resulted in lakes. At one point in history the Pushkar Lake was surrounded by 500 temples and 52 palaces.

One of the most significant features of the city of Pushkar is the temple of Lord Brahma, which in fact is the only Brahma temple on earth.

Pushkar fair in India Pushkar fair in India

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