Pushkar has always attracted wide range of tourists from all over the world and thus the department of Tourism has pitched in large number of tourist accommodation and other facilities. In Pushkar one would find large number of both public and private hotels in every range and amount.

Many people prefer staying at the RTDC, government hotels. Rajasthan tourism Development Corporation, RTDC has wide range of hotels in Ajmer namely Khadim and Sarovar. In Pushkar Tourist Village is the only hotel by RTDC.


Although throughout the year various tariffs right from luxury, Deluxe to moderate are available, many hotels charge exorbitant prices during the Pushkar fair in leau of Business profits.

One can also find many hotels just around the fair ground by many private companies. There are also some special tour packages offered by both government and private sector that include fares for accommodation, food, travel etc at some nominal prices.

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