Ram Janaki Vivah is celebrated in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and marks the celebration of Lord Rama s marriage to Sita. The main function is held in the city of Agra where the festival takes place during the Ramlila celebrations.

Ram Janaki VivahRam Janaki Vivah is one of the most colorful event of the city of wonder, Agra. Large number of people participate in the marriage processions popularly known as Ram Barat. One locality is specially chosen as the home town of the bride, Sita where the Barat reaches with its royal procession. This place is observed as Janakpuri and is decorated with flowers and lights.

The Ram Janki Vivah or Ram Barat festival was initiated by Lala Kokamal, a cloth merchant, about 125 years ago. It is celebrated during the Shukla Paksha of Marghasheesha month as per the Hindu Calendar. Music bands and dances are other attractions of the procession in which people enjoy and cherish grand and divine wedding of Ram and Sita. Some actors play the characters of Ram and Sita for the procession.

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