Tamil Nadu celebrates probably the maximum number of festivals each year. Temple festivals are held in September-October and in the post-harvest months of March-June which last for to three days. These festivals are not only religious occasions but cultural landmarks as well. They have become part of life of the people with families, friends and relatives getting together on such occasions. The deities on every temple festival are decorated with bright costumes and rare and valuable jewellery. Some of the major festivals are Pongal, a festival of Thanks giving to the Sun, the Earth and the cow, Natyanjali Dance Festival, Kavadi Festival, Karthigai Deepam and Diwali. For more information on Tamil Nadu visit http://www.tamilnaduonline.in/about
तमिलनाड़ू के त्यौहारों के बारे में हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
List of Festivals in Tamil Nadu
New Year's Day
Maha Shivratri
Ram Navami
Mahavir Jayanti
Hanuman Jayanti
Tamil New Year
Ramadan (Roza)
Buddha Poornima
Koratty Muth
Karthigai Deepam
Mamallapuram Dance Festival
Christmas Day