Dance, music is an important part of teej celebrations. There are different forms of dance associated with different states and communities. Ladies generally assemble at a common place to celebrate this festival, they sing songs, specially related to brides and marriages, they dance to their traditional tunes, enjoy swings , indeed there is an atmosphere of joy all around.

* Across Rajasthan: Being the state of colour, artists personify different mythological stories, tales, folk tales associated with the festival. Ladies can be seen wearing colorful costumes and jewellery.
* Across UP: Women gather in gardens and courtyards and perform dandiya. Its an extremely colorful and joyous moment to watch them perform.
* Across MP: Mainly the tunes that women dance to are related to bride’s home-coming and related to marriage.
* Across Gujarat: Being closer to the state of Rajasthan, Gujarat has a common tradition for the festival of teej , with folk music rich in atmosphere.
* Across Punjab: Teej is one of the most important festivals of Punjab, that is celebrated with great enthusiasm by women and young girls. They even perform gidda(their traditional dance form) for their husbands.