Valentine s Day SMS
Valentine s Day is not just about gifting chocolates, teddies or a bunch of red roses but also making your loved ones feel important. Messaging has been quite a trend these days and SMSs play a major role on occasions like Valentine s Day. We bring you a few popular Valentine s Day SMSs which will rightly convey your feelings to your loved ones and spread a smile across their faces.

 Send Free Valentine s Day Greetings Cards to Your Valentine

  • Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but how you feel and not how you let go but how you hold on.

  • On Valentines Day I want to tell you this
    knowing you is an extraordinary pleasure
    your caring heart is always quick to give
    you are unique, rare and a very special treasure
    HaPpY VaLentiNe’s DaY
  • Lets these words not only touch your eyes, let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine.
    Be My Valentine !


  • But now the day of love has come,
    And I must cross its line,
    And so I ask you through this poem
    Will you be my Valentine ?


  • It is a nice feeling in the world That when someone you love, loves you in return.
    So when you know the one you love has feelings for you, Never let them go because it is very difficult to find Two hearts that beat as One.
    Happy Valentine’s Day


  • Thank you for the memories of yesterday,
    for the happiness today,
    and the promise of all tomorrows!
    Happy Valentine s Day


  • Love is like a cloud…
    Love is like a dream…
    Love is one word and
    Everything in between…
    Love is a fairytale come true…
    Because I found love when I found you.
    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  • Be my Valentine, my love,
    As I will be for you,
    And we will love the whole day long,
    And love our whole lives through.
    For love has no parameters
    And does not end with time,
    But is the gift of paradise,
    A pinch of the sublime .

  • Like a bright sunshine on a dreary day
    Like the assuring moonlight on a murky night
    Like a fresh blossom on a barren land
    you’re the joy of my life
    I’ll love you till eternity
    and beyond!
    Happy Valentine’s Day

  • "Sacrifice is greater than love,
    Character is greater than beauty,
    Humanity is greater than wealth...!
    Nothing is greater than good relations,
    And Good Relations don t necessarily mean finding similarities...
    It’s just about respecting differences.


  • On this day made just for lovers
    something weighs heavily on my mind
    yet still I have to question
    Will you be my valentine?
    There will be no roses delivered
    no chocolates that taste divine
    yet none of it matters to me
    Will you be my valentine?
    There will be no jewelry received from you
    to me that suits me just fine
    all I want from you is your heart
    Will you be my valentine?
    On this day made just for lovers
    you’ll give me your heart,
    I’ll give you mine
    yet still I have to question
    Will you be my valentine?
  • What do you give a lady so sweet?
    Who makes my existence so complete.
    Should She get a Long-stemmed Rose?
    Perhaps some very heartfelt pros?
    A store-bought card with another s word?
    Anything that s purchased seems absurd.
    I would give you the World if it were mine,
    For now, take my heart, and be My Valentine.
  • There is only one thing I wish to say
    There is only one day left for Valentine day
    Let all the lovers of the world unite
    Let there be peace and love in everyone s sight
    Let the kisses flow smoothly like a stream
    Let everyone meet the men and women of their dreams
    Let everyone get a lovers valentine card
    Even sending one yourself is not very hard
    This day of love when you cannot say no
    Telling your sweetheart that you love them so
    Say it with flowers and say it with all your love
    Say it with chocolates or with two white doves
    Just show all your love on Valentine Day !

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