Thus it can be said that the colorless and odorless damsel forms an integral part of one’s life. Water is also considered as a symbol of purification. International World Water Day is held every twelve months to focus the attention on the importance of freshwater and to promote sustainable management of freshwater resources.

World Water Day is celebrated every year with a new theme highlighting an explicit aspect of freshwater.
Today one in every eight people in the world don’t get pure water inspite of spending hours by women and children in collecting water from distant resources.
This day allows remembering our commitment to achieve the day when everyone in the world can have safe drinking water and also to celebrate the progress of bringing about 3 lakh people in eight countries clean water and sanitation.
Themes of World Water Day Yester Years
World Water Day is celebrated every year with a new theme highlighting an explicit aspect of freshwater. One of various UN agencies involved in water issues lead in promotion and coordination of international activities for World Water Day each year. UN-Water has been responsible for selecting the theme and messages since the inception of World Day for Water in 2003.
2021:Importance of Water
2020:Water and Energy
2019:Leaving no one behind
2018:Nature for Water
2017:Why Waste Water
2016:Water and Jobs
2015:Water and Sustainable
2014: Water and Energy
2013: Water Cooperation
2012: Water and Food Security
2011: Water for Cities
2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World
2009: Transboundary Waters
2008: Sanitation
2007: Coping With Water Scarcity
2006: Water and Culture
2005: Water for Life 2005-2015
2004: Water and Disasters
2003: Water for Future
2002: Water for Development
2001: Water for Health
2000: Water for the 21st Century
1999: Everyone Lives Downstream
1998: Groundwater
1997: The World s Water: Is there enough?
1996: Water for Thirsty Cities
1995: Women and Water
1994: Caring for our Water Resources is Everybody s Business
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